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Old 03-14-2009, 06:19 PM   #1954
Ol' Grandpa Trout
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
That is such a cool idea! I'd be afraid of being caught and getting in trouble for not having state permission or something to post such things. But if it's working, the drivers must think they're coming from some sort of authority and heeding them, that's so cool. Kudos from me!
Hehe thanks! I figure if it's for the greater good then I'm doing something right I wish I was a fly on the wall when they found it though haha!

Being at the laundromat right now reminds me of a time when I was LIVID. I set my clean clothes down on the table, walked away to wash my hands, and when I came back, I saw they'd been moved a tad. It didn't bother me until I noticed that the lady next to me had just spilled soda all over my clothes!! I said "what the hell?" out of surprise, and I know she heard me but she ignored me. Finally after a few passive-aggressive attempts to let her know that I noticed and was mad, I just asked her "um... Did you spill soda on my clothes?"

She pretended she didn't know she spilled it on them, even though she CLEARLY knew because my clothes were moved and they were soaked in soda. She said "oh, did I get it on your clothes?" and I said "uh... yeah you did." What REALLY ticked me off though was after that she just said "oh, sorry." She didn't even offer to give me quarters to wash my clothes again! Just flatly said "oh, sorry" and turned around like that was that! I could have screamed.
Ultra-Intergalactic-Cybot G, Marina Liteyears. Her knife kick will punish you!

Last edited by scary_dream; 03-14-2009 at 08:46 PM.
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