Originally Posted by Nathander
Though, I have to admit, I'm curious at what point it is you considered the ending and which points you felt were valid and which were invalid, not out of any intent to seem patronizing, but because the story was intended in general to start discussion over the point.
The problem I had was this
Spoiler Below Ozymandias should have died. I was supremely pissed off that he was allowed to live when he should have killed and vaporized for everything he had done. The fact that he got away with everything I thought was insulting. Now don't get me wrong, I liked the fact his bombs did go off and millions of people died, I liked how that brought about peace and no one could change it without destroying the peace they established. I liked everything about that part of the ending.
What i didn't like was the fact that Ozy should have been killed. Dr. Manhattan killing Rorschach I understand, but why he did not kill Ozy is something I do not understand because its like: you let him get away with EVERYTHING! And the other heroes just let it happen and accepted it. Even if Dr. Manhattan understood what Ozy was trying to say, that still doesn't make Ozy any less responsible for what he did and the fact Manhattan would allow him to live just bugged the crap out of me because he had more reason to die then Rorschach did. That was my problem with the ending. What Ozymandias did was unforgivable, giving cancer to innocent people and intentionally mind hammering Manhattan earns him more reasons that he should have been killed and even MORE incentive for Manhattan to kill Ozy despite the fact he agreed with his plans.
That's my beef with its ending.
Btw if you're looking for a more "complete review", I have a full length audio review of Watchmen on my youtube page here: