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Old 03-06-2009, 07:00 PM   #1814
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Saw it on IMAX just a little while ago and boy, talk about seeing a movie on the BIG screen. All the hype, suspense, big talk and popularity following this movie has not been for nothing nor has it diminished anything. This movie is frigging, freaking, and fantastically phenomenal. The level of visual details, the complex costumes, the special camera angles and important use of music are well used.

Everything here is pretty much perfect: acting, dialog, violence, gore, pacing, music, its all top quality and definitely keeps your attention. However, its not perfect as there are some flaws some minor some major. One is the annoying repetitious use of the fear of nuclear war since this movie takes place when the US feared Soviet invasion.

I understand that's part of the story's plot and where the movie is supposed to take place, but I got tired of hearing nuclear war over and over again and was more concerned watching the characters and everything ELSE to keep worrying about nukes. Its a minor not really necessarily well founded complaint but the big one I have is with the ending....I just don't like it.

As intelligent as it is and well crafted, I don't like it and I think maybe if one or two things had been changed it would have been much better but as it stands: it sends a mixed message, mixing valid points with unsatisfied ones. The movie is not a disappointment or a letdown and definitely recommend seeing it at once just be forewarned: the gore and sex scenes in this film are HEAVY.
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