Originally Posted by Lynnie
I personally think the background looks fine as it is, it looks like granite or a similar stone. Is he in his hole? I'd say that works.  You could color the counter top anything you'd like though.
Hehe, I saw the paper on the counter and read "ADD stuff", as in "Attention Deficit Disorder", lol! Ah, I see what it means now. 
SNAP! I wish I saw this before I went on...sorry Lynnie. Maybe I can try to find a tutorial that shows how to make the granite look in MS Paint?
Location? ...I have no clue. XD I was just in the mood to draw Rabbit. Oh! And I plan on adding a hinto of Tigger's tail in there.
Haha! You're so silly! Actually...I wish I thought of it. But no, I'm going down a slightly more innocent route of thinking.

Should I leave it as it is?