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Old 02-23-2009, 04:37 AM   #8
Agent: Deep Bloo

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For the first time as long as I can remember I actually sat down and watched the Oscars, (Not all the way through though, I did turn it off after Mickey Rourke lost in the best actor category, no offense to Mr. Penn but I honestly thought that Mickey so deserved it, oh well at least he has the golden globe and image award to fall back on.)

Well anyways I can debate the winners from here to sundown, but for something completely different I would like to talk about the award show itself.

The Good.

I thought it was a great touch to have the main acting awards being presented by five former winners in each of the categories, it was a nice nod to history.

The always classy tribute to those who have passed away over the past year. The saddest thing is that so many great names had passed on, that a lot of the time I was thinking to myself "OMG she's/he's dead? When did that happen?"

No overlong speeches. Good to see everyone trying to keep it short and simple and not try to go over the mandatory allotted time.

The Bad

Sigh, can we 86 the cheesy musical numbers? I know many will disagree with me, but really they don't add anything to the show, and the time could be used for more awards or interviews.

Biggest "Oh Burn" of the night.

Jack Black stating that he makes so much money from doing voice over work, by taking the money he made from his Dreamworks roles and using it to bet on Pixar's movie at the awards.

Best Presenters

Tina Fey and Steve Martin

Best Acceptance Speech

Man on Wire

Only for the fact that Philippe Petit the subject of the film showed up for the acceptance speech as well, which is a nice touch as if it wasn't for him they wouldn't have a film and if they didn't have a film they wouldn't have the Oscar.

Most Emotional Acceptance Speech

Heath Ledger's Family

Pretty much speaks for itself.

I'm running out of things to say....

So congrats to all of the winners and nominated keep up the good work all of you.
Founder, Owner, President, Chairman, CEO, CFO and Charter member of the "Never Leave Steve" Fan Club! ~Founded: May 21 2006~

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