Originally Posted by Lynnie
Nice job with each of these HWH! I of course recognized Rabbit and Hades right away, being an avid Disney fan. And I like the OC you created for a friend, she looks like a character I could relate to. And The Spoiler reminds me of Raven from Teen Titans. Well done! 
The Spoiler was a character they killed off, THEN brought back! They keep breaking my heart with the drama!
Haha, thanks. I love Rabbit! And Hades too...Glad to see a advid D*sney fan reconize them instantly. ^_^
The Character was named Carmella Testarosa, if I recall. (May have did the spelling wrong) My chum needed some characters for some fic they were writing, so this came out. She is a psychology student, and a very shy one. I wanted to play down the personality in the design. But the socks help to show there is more to her then meets the eyes.
Originally Posted by Cassini90125
I'm liking Doc Emily and the OC best. Excellent job on all! 
Thanks! Man, if I wasn't so lazy, I would have wrote my Hyde story by now! Why am I sooooo lazy?
Originally Posted by Mac-a-lacka
Cool pics! 
Thank you all! It was fun showing off my stuff.

And my finished Dr. Hyde pic!