Originally Posted by Cassini90125
"By the way, do you have Duchess's phone number?"
"555-HAGG". Why?"
Lols. Great stuff, as always.
You know, it's kind of strange (for me, anyway) to think of Mr. Madame Foster as ever actually having existed. For all intents and purposes, Mr. Herriman is really Madame Foster's significant other, and, if merely by default, my brain has kind of hard-wired itself into picturing that as the way that things have always been (yeah, Madame F's bloodline has very evidentally continued, but, strictly speaking, that in itself wouldn't prove that she was ever married at any point - and though in French, the term "Madame" generally denotes a married woman, in English I understand it to have a somewhat looser meaning). Oh well, it's interesting.