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Old 01-27-2009, 08:00 PM   #7
Agent: Deep Bloo

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The network close bug has been hitting me big time today, it seems that every time I want to get on and play after everything loads up, the game decides "that's enough" and stops working.

And it's not the browser crashing restart kind of bug either (Although that happens about 50 percent of the time) after the network close prompt appears I am still able to walk around and stuff but I can't actually do anything. (IE Fight Monsters, interact with other players/characters...etc.) I can't even quit the game properly (I have to shut down the browser window.)

After checking out the fusion fall forums/help page I still have yet to come across any kind of solution to this problem. I thought it may have been something on my end but I've checked my system and they meet all the requirements to play this game properly.

They did mention something about sending them something called a DX Diag when requesting help, but when I clicked on their how to guide to creating a DX Diag....that part of their website is down too.

So after all that, I guess what I am asking is that are you guys still dealing with the same problem and if so how are you all dealing with it and any further tips y'all would like to share?

Sorry for the long rant, but when you've paid 50$ for a game, you kind of get peeved when it only wants to work every other day.
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