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Old 10-12-2006, 04:55 PM   #5
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Don't take this negatively, but it might have been more easier to use a more "wide spread" topic like all CGI films. But that's my opinion. Anyways, for a while it was "Monsters Inc", but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that "The Incredibles" is one of the greatest CG flicks ever made.

Disney did a fantastic job, voice actors, designs, powers, it all came out really well and they made some impressive action sequences. The fights on the islands with those buzz saw saucer discs was amazing and it was just like the speed bike fights in "Return of the Jedi".

I think the best part of the movie though had to be with it's villain, Syndrome voiced by Jason Lee. He played an excellent super villain and being a comic geek naturally, he worked so well for the role and made the character just seem very "relatable" to other comic geeks.

I love the monologging bit, that was just fun to listen to.
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