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Old 01-20-2009, 03:58 PM   #1874
Foster's Legend
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
Call again. That clerk needs to be reprimanded at least.
I did, the manager was "out" again. When he finally returned my call 3 days later, I was the one who was out.

Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
...Who says that??? Seriously, wth.
That's what I thought ~ rather boorish behaviour!

Originally Posted by L.G. View Post

Given that kind of "service", you should probably find another store that sells groceries: you deserve better than what took place that day.
I agree with you. I try not to be an ignorant jerk by holding a grudge, but I really don't want to shop there again.

Did you get your vehicle running yet?

Originally Posted by One Radical Dude View Post
I've never heard any employee say something like that before. Also, what a jerk for throwing the milk carelessly on top of the potatoes.
ORD, this was a first for me, too! The day was very cold, but that didn't give this person an excuse for his appalling behaviour!

Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
I spent the entire weekend cleaning my apartment and moving the furniture because Management has decreed that all power outlets and light fixtures need to be replaced. This is pointless but whatever. The maintenance guy and the electrician were supposed to be here yesterday at 12:30 PM. They never showed up. I called the office earlier to find out when they were going to be here. By coincidence, they were planning to drop by around noon, which is exactly when I won't be here due to an appointment with my accountant. Just perfect. Now I've had to tell them to reschedule and the maintenance guy hasn't given me a date or time. I'm guessing tommorrow but I don't really know. What I do know is that my furniture is all out of place and in my way, some of it is standing on end so that the electrician has room to replace perfectly good outlets that I never use, the entire apartment smells like a combination of air freshener, Windex, and dust, and I am worn out, bruised, and have a nasty gash on one hand, and I can't move anything back until this three-hour replacement operation has been completed. My apartment is in chaos. This is beyond annoying.
That's highly aggravating when you are held "captive" waiting for someone to show up at your apartment. It's like waiting for the "cable" guy to show up & they never do when they're scheduled to!

I hope the electrician shows up soon & that your hand starts to heal. Do you require stitches?
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