As I mentioned on the "...that made your day" thread I jammed with some friends again tonite. But here is what I have a beef with. Now call me a musical snob, but I prefer to work with musicians of EQUAL strength, or BETTER than me. I grow as a musician that way. I prefer to work with musicians that are better than me - that is how I GROW. When I was with the Blue Hobeneros, these musicians could blow circles around me. The drummer practically educated me to be a REAL blues bass player. I would have to say that if it were not for that, I would not have been around when we opened for BB King and Buddy Guy. Nor would I have had the honor and privledge to play bass behind Big Pete Pearson for one set.
So when I jam (and it is supposed to be for fun), I wind up telling the guys I jam with they are doing it wrong, or here is the proper chord on this (and literally showing them). I just can't sometimes tolerate musicians that cannot keep up. Again it might be my musical snobbery.