That must be very frustrating for you Lynnie! You sound like you handled the situation with a lot of class. Kudos to you!
Here's my beef this week: we were out of many items in our household, so I bought a lot of groceries. The male clerk packing my order offered to put them in my car. I drove up and parked my car by the front store doors.
I opened my trunk, but I was unaware the trunk wouldn't remain upright. He started to place the groceries in the back-seat of the car. I mentioned the trunk was open & he could he put them in the trunk. No response. I mentioned this again - that the trunk was open.
He continues to load the groceries in the back-seat of my car. Now, this is when I became upset with the situation - he *THREW* a bag of potatoes I'd purchased on the floor of the car! He carelessly tossed *TWO* 4 Litre containers of milk on top of the potatoes. He then said, "Could you have bought more groceries?!" and slammed my car door.
I phoned the store to speak with the manager when I got home only to find they were "out".
Last edited by Carlaz; 01-15-2009 at 10:21 AM.