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Old 01-13-2009, 07:52 PM   #6
Lady of Brightwood
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Heh, you took those pics, Rid? Creative!

PETA is way out of bounds if you ask me. And this is coming from someone who has never seen her cat as a pet, or even really a "cat", but a little furry person with feelings and emotions and memories just like any other person. Some see that alone as "not normal". Working in a pet supply store, they've caused a bunch of havoc for our company, too. Accusing us of animal abuse and taking unauthorized pictures, posting them on the web with only part of the story behind what was going on in the picture, making it look ten times worse than it really was. What a mess that was for us.

If I remember correctly, our corporate headquarters hired a lawyer to defend the company, and we were proven not only innocent on all causes, but one of the companies that has the best and most genuine care for the animals in our charge. HA!
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