They've petitioned several schools, which include some sort of fish as part of their name(including Whitefish High School and a Spearfish High School)to change their schools' names to "Sea Kittens High School", to reflect a kinder attitude towards fish, and in the case of the Spearfish school, to get away from a violent image(a "spearfish" is a predatory fish with a long bill, like a Marlin or a Swordfish). All this from an organization that ruthlessly killed 97% of the animals entrusted to its care in 2007, demands the genocide of all short-haired, muscular dogs, put up a billboard comparing the gruesome decapitation and cannibalization of a bus passenger in Canada by a psychopathic killer to the eating of chickens by humans, and publishes comic books aimed at elementary kids that tell them their mommy or daddy will kill their pets and them, too, if mommy has a fur coat or daddy goes fishing. Anyone else see something horribly screwed up with this?