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Old 01-06-2009, 11:22 PM   #664
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Originally Posted by emperor26 View Post
Rabbit Looks Like A Lady

Title Card Sound: Mr. Herriman acting feminine

When a rival of Mr. Herriman gloats to the victorian-era rabbit that he's successful due to having a girlfriend, Herriman claims he has one himself. But what his rival doesn't realized is that the "girlfriend" is really Mr. Herriman himself. Can Herriman pulled this off without exposing himself?
Originally Posted by emperor26 View Post
Dummies For Dummies

Title Card Sound: Audience laughing hysterically

After being scolded for his obsession with paddle balls, Bloo turns to a new hobby-ventriloquist. After a few practice, he becomes a sensation with everyone. Except for Mac, who is offended that the dummy Bloo is using vaguely resembles him.
Oh boy, Emperor26, I loved basically all of your episode ideas. (Espesially the Herriman ones)

(I'm not much for coming up with episode ideas, but I had a few come up today)

Wilt Not Join the Dance
Title Card Sound: Some funky music with Wilt saying over it "I'm sorry, but that's not happening.."

The episode starts with Wilt walking down the street. One can assume that he picked up a few items for Frankie. He is in a very happy mood, even more so than usual. The weather is nice, the birds are singing. Heck, it's so great no one cares that the random guy in the background is being mugged! Wilt is so cheerful, he literally dances the whole way home. (Barely hearing the citizens snickering). Finially the imaginary friend reaches the manor, still busting a few moves. But then he catches Bloo openly mocking him. This makes Wilt self conscious, and down in the dumps in general. The other cast members notice, and decide it's time to give the big red pal his groove back. The question is: will they succeed?

No Rhyme or Treason
Title Card Sound: Mr. Herriman says some nonsense.

We know that Mr. Herriman is a strict, rule biding, imaginary friend...But is there more? You can bet Bloo sure was surprised to find out about the rabbit's secret. Funny Bunny is not only the president of Foster's, but he is also a poet! But it doesn't stop there, for he writes nonsense poesy. (The no nonsense rabbit...writing nonsense? Absurd!) Can Herriman keep Bloo entertained and happy enough, for the blob not to reveal his secret?

Herriman in the Middle
Title Card Sound: Mr. Herriman sighing.

The two Foster women seem to be in a verbal aurgument, which nobody knows about, and tempers start to flare. To make matter's worse, the old rabbit seems to have found himself in the middle of it. Not only does he end of delivering each other's messages, but he also has to try and keep his own witts. Will he get the women of his life to make up? And what was the subject that started the squabble, anyway?
It's not the best idea to write comments, when you're in a dire need of sleep.

~"No, sir, I make it a rule of mine: the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask." ~

Last edited by Cassini90125; 01-22-2010 at 08:08 PM. Reason: Repaired unboxed quote.
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