Thread: Nightmares
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Old 01-06-2009, 08:52 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by scary_dream View Post
Oooooh I hate dreams that mess with my appearance!! I had a dream once that I looked in the mirror and my skin was dark black like it'd been burned and was all cracked and peeling. It was so scary!
The oddest dream I ever had where my appearance was different was one where I looked like one of the chimpanzees from the Planet Of The Apes movies. It wasn't a bad dream as I recall, just very weird.

Originally Posted by scary_dream View Post
I always also have dreams that I'm getting on rickety old amusement park rides that in NO way could ever be safe. Those are recurring!
When I was a child I used to have a recurring nightmare where I would be on one side of a street and my family and often my home were on the other. I would want to join them but I knew that if I tried to cross the street I'd get hit by a car. There was never any traffic and I'd look both ways but the moment I set foot on the street sure enough, a car would show up out of nowhere. I never got hit - I always woke up in the nick of time - but I never made it across the street, either.

In retrospect I guess that even as a six year-old child I knew on some level that there was no point in trying to connect with my family, and that I'd always be outcast and cut off.

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