I had a pretty good day today.
One, it wasn't a nightmare getting to work this morning. It was well above freezing when I left, so no ice despite the four inches of snow that fell last night. And most of it was melting already. It was just another drive over wet streets. And I'm well use to that. This
is Seattle, after all.
Two, everyone at work was in a good mood today. Both coworkers and customers. One of my coworkers, and friends, went and got me a tall vanilla cappuccino from Starbucks with no strings attached. And in it she included a stir stick that had a mermaid on the tip. I collect mermaids, as some may already know, so that made me happy. I don't remember seeing them there before, although I usually just take a straw rather than a stir stick when I get coffee.
Three, well, not so good actually, but one of the girls under my guidance lost her grandmother this morning. She was fighting tears all morning.

I got her some candy while on my break, she was taken aback by it, thanked me and nearly cried again. She thanked me again for the candy as I was leaving for the day, it did seem to have helped a little knowing someone cared. That made me feel good.