Today I was at the mall to get an X-Box live subscription. As I was heading toward GameStop, I look out of the corner of my eye and who do I see walking but Frankie Foster?
Well she wasn't dressed like Frankie; She had on light-blue jeans and a top from Hollister, and she was wearing a black parka. But her hair was almost identical, sans the barrettes that Frankie wears. She was a natural read-head, with green eyes and everything. She was about, I'd say around 5'5", and she looked to be about 120 lbs or so. Anyway...
I almost shouted "FRANKIE!" while simultaneously almost wetting myself, but I restrained my compulsions and decided to stalk her. I followed her into our FYE store, dipping around corners, trying to get a better look at her. I went outside of the store for a bit while she checked out at the register. Once she came out, I was pretending to talk on my cellphone. (I am the master of talking at nothing btw

I decided to continue following her. She was going into OldNavy next, and I decided to nonchalantly stay near. She left OldNavy; I was close behind. She then went into Deb, and caught me staring at her. I pretended to be looking past her, and she looked behind her to make sure nothing was there. While she was turned, I made sure to disappear behind some clothes racks.
About 30 minutes passed and then I followed her out of Deb. She was far ahead of me, but I think she knew I was behind her. We went outside, and she confronted me, and asked me what my problem was.
I, embarrassingly, fumbled over my words, but I managed to explain to her that she looked like someone on TV and I was making sure that it was actually her or not. She took my exaggeration surprisingly well, smiled, and said that "Nobody's ever told me I look like a celebrity before!" I apologized for following her and she said it was no problem and then she left.
The only thing I find funny is: I went to the mall to spend about 5 minutes, and it ended up being about two hours. All because of Frankie.
Sorry if I put this in the wrong place. I just wanted to share it with everyone.