The Looney Tunes Are Back!
Well, maybe for fourteen hours on New Years Day.
Cartoon Network has scheduled a marathon of Looney Tunes for January 1 from 6 AM to 8 PM.
Also, starting tomorrow (12/28), [adult swim] will sign on one hour earlier from 10 PM until 6 AM. Previously, they had signed on from 11 PM until 6 AM Monday through Saturday nights and gone from 10 PM to 6 AM on Sundays. The PJs will fill the 10 PM slot with back to back episodes for the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night (12/29 through 12/31) spot, then begining on Jauary 1, Mike Judge's King of the Hill comes over from FX to fill the 10 PM hour.
Editor of's FHFIF pages
Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.