Well, it's been officially Christmas here for a few hours now, and we've already opened our presents since it's out tradition to open them after midnight on Christmas Eve. Anyway, I got some stuff I wanted along with something I didn't expect (my aunt's good at that) and I also got my parents some things that they wanted and it was overall a nice and fulfilling experience like every year.
Only problem, WE DIDN'T GET ANY SNOW! In fact, we haven't got any snow yet this year at all. *sigh* We haven't had a White Christmas in years and this is unfortunately another disappointing year in that respect.
But that's nothing to get too depressed about. Anyway, I'm still enjoying the day so far and I want to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas!
Bloo: "Yes, but on this you punch who you DON'T want to win."
Eduardo: "Oh."
Eduardo: "I like voting."
Last edited by CrazyPhil; 12-25-2008 at 01:36 AM.