Originally Posted by jekylljuice
Actually, it is Christmas right now, in the UK. I once recall reading about this old superstition which dictates that for the very first minute of the 25th December, animals are granted the power of human speech (don't know exactly where it originates, but it does have something to do with their involvement in the nativity story, I believe)...if it has any truth to it at all, then both my cats just wasted that opportunity for some decent conversation by sleeping right through it. Just as well, I guess - it's supposed to be extremely unlucky for any human to overhear them. Ha ha, well that's convenient.
I doubt I'll be able to get online much today, so have a good one, everyone! 
You know I did hear someone talking outside just after midnight. Might have been the cats or the Foxes. I couldn't make out what they were saying but shortly afterwards a car started up and I'm guessing that's not covered by the superstition.
Enjoy yourself JJ! Hope you get some nice Pressies. Hope somebody got you DVD you wanted anyway.