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Old 12-22-2008, 05:47 AM   #92
Equus Reptilicus
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Lance Armstrong, eat your heart out.  
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Tenino, Washington.
Posts: 699

I was outside feeding the animals, then I feel a sudden bunch of raindrops falling. I think "Oh no! We're gonna lose all this lovely snow!" I go off to get some duck feed, sad that it's raining, when the rain suddenly stops. "What the heck...?" I walk past where the rain had first started, and I get rained on again. This second band of "rain" I noticed a sound. A spraying-like noise. Turns out, I was standing in the path of a sprinkling hose. After the whole ordeal, I thought "I have got to report this to the "Embarrassing moments" thread.
"Mac-a-lacka, so glad you could make it."

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