Here's my baby SubZ Specter
She's level 9 right now which is kinda pitiful since I'm in closed beta. I'd play more but my computer is horrible with games... Which I think is the reason I get accepted into any MMORPG beta I apply for XD Hopefully I'll get some cash for XMas to upgrade my baby for the new year =)
SubZ name comes from the short form of Subzeroace and her last name is Specter because I was looking around my room for something to use as a last name and I saw my Danny Phantom action figure XD
Fusion Fall SubZ likes to be evil and do any mission form any villain she can find (mostly Father, because I wuv him <3) Sadly Numbah 2 has to be a spoil sport and make her show how things Father wants. SubZ has been seen several times trying to shoot down the KND Treehouse (Darn thing just keeps staying afloat!)