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Old 12-18-2008, 03:54 PM   #6
Has a PhD in Horribleness
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Here's my baby SubZ Specter

She's level 9 right now which is kinda pitiful since I'm in closed beta. I'd play more but my computer is horrible with games... Which I think is the reason I get accepted into any MMORPG beta I apply for XD Hopefully I'll get some cash for XMas to upgrade my baby for the new year =)

SubZ name comes from the short form of Subzeroace and her last name is Specter because I was looking around my room for something to use as a last name and I saw my Danny Phantom action figure XD

Fusion Fall SubZ likes to be evil and do any mission form any villain she can find (mostly Father, because I wuv him <3) Sadly Numbah 2 has to be a spoil sport and make her show how things Father wants. SubZ has been seen several times trying to shoot down the KND Treehouse (Darn thing just keeps staying afloat!)

Last edited by Subzeroace; 12-18-2008 at 03:55 PM.
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