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Old 12-17-2008, 09:52 AM   #177
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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I think its just natural adult thinking or theorizing being applied to cartoons which as Cass said, the creators did not think of at the time or were not intending to say that. When I saw Darkwing Duck when I was a kid, I didn't think of applying any ideas of psychological disorders or mental diseases to explain why some of the characters are like that.

Its the same thing I have always talked about when it comes to attraction to cartoons. When I was a kid, I always got confused or never understood why Chip and Dale always went crazy for Gadget's affections or why the Animaniacs always went "Hellooooooo Nurse" when the Nurse came by, same for Minerva Mink.

When we watch cartoons as we get older we tend to look at things with a better understanding, start picking up on things that were hinted at or we missed or possibly implied. Though in Fosters case I don't think there is really anything to Mr. Herriman's disorder theory. One could just as equally theorize that Wilt has OCD (obsessive compulsion disorder) with the "I'm sorry" stuff.
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