Originally Posted by Ridureyu
I know that the term applies to a huge range of disorders, some of which are only mildly hampering, others of which have a greater effect on life. it's like Tourettes, which for the most part is NOT about shouting random obscenities. Most Tourettes sufferers ust have a tic or an audible sound. However, generally speaking you'll be discussing the most extreme aspect.
Well, sure, if you want to keep the stereotypes and the stigma alive. It's a misrepresentation of the disorder, and as an OCD-sufferer myself (not mild, not extreme; just standard), I think I have a right to object to it, much as a Tourettes suffer has every right to object to the assumption that their disorder is primarily associated with coprolalia and little else. Calling it "insanity" is just crass...at least, it is to me.
In the case of Foster's, I do not think that Mr. Herriman's behaviour is intended to be symptomatic of any particular kind of disorder. To me, he is simply an authority figure, and the associated character traits are exaggerated for comic and, on occasion, dramatic effect.