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Old 12-14-2008, 10:36 PM   #627
The Postmaster

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Love gives you courage that's stronger than anything!  
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Saturn
Posts: 6,658

"I know what her name is," Frankie snapped. "I named her. Since when do you stop to help lost children, Dylan? And what the hell were you doing at the airport, anyway?"
"A friend of mine needed a ride to the airport," Dylan explained. "You know Malcolm Landgraab? The rich guy who's the rightful heir to the Piano? That's him. I play golf with him every morning, you know. He needed a ride and called me. Yep, good ol' Malcolm. I'm moving up in the world!"
"In other words, you're his caddy and his chauffer."
A moment of silence followed. "Look, you want to pick up your kid or not?"
"Of course I do. And she's not my kid, she's my Imaginary Friend!"
"Whatever. I'll check the flight schedule so I'll know when to expect you; I'll keep Miri safe and sound until you get here."
"You'd better, or so help me, Dylan, I'll-"
"Calm down, Frankie, she'll be fine. I'll get dinner ready for her as soon as we hang up, okay?"
"Fine." Frankie began to calm down. Maybe this would work out okay after all. "I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Good. And when you arrive we can finish our date."
"WHAT?!?!" Frankie virtually exploded. "You can't be serious!"
"Sure I am. I mean c'mon, we never did finish that evening at Futurepoup three years ago. This is the perfect time to do it, don't you think?"
"You (several expletives deleted)... You're holding my Imaginary Friend hostage to make me date you? I don't believe this!"
"Trust me, you'll have a great time, really! Oh, and before you get any ideas, if I see that skinny red frog thing or the purple minotaur or any of the rest of your made-up pals poking around here, well, Miri doesn't know them, y'know? She might get scared and run away. You wouldn't want to lose her again like you did nearly twenty years ago now, would you?"
Frankie just stood there silently:

"Dylan, please..." she said in a soft voice.
"See you tommorrow, hon. Oh, and wear something hot." With that he hung up.
Frankie stood quietly for a few minutes, totally at a loss for what to do. She'd known that Dylan was a jackass but holding Miri hostage to get a date... she had no words for anything that low. With nothing else to do she went down to the hotel lobby to sit and collect her thoughts. What was she to do? She was soon joined by Viola Kalson, who asked why she looked so upset. Frankie told her what Dylan was doing:

"This is that Dylan guy from the episode with Orlando Bloo?" Viola asked.
"Yeah, that's... hold it, CN made an episode about that??" Frankie rolled her eyes. "Sheesh, what else did they embarrass me with?" Viola started to answer but Frankie waived her quiet. "Nevermind, I don't want to know. I've got to figure a way out of this. I've got to get Miri out of there without her or me getting hurt, and I do not want to give Dylan what we wants, but I don't know what else to do." There was a tear in her eye. "All I wanted was a quiet vacation..."
"Did you make an offering at the shrine yet?" Viola asked.
"The Shrine of Jumbok IV. Did you make an offering? Some say they've gained insight into their troubles after doing so."
"Somehow I don't think tossing money into old ruins is going to do me any good. Excuse me, I need some air." Frankie left the lobby and headed outside. She wandered aimlessly for a time before it dawned on her; Captain Dregg had mentioned the Shrine too, hadn't he? With nowhere else to go and nothing to lose, she set out for the ruins:

It was a long walk to the old ruins but they were easy enough to find; all she had to do was look for a swarm of archeologists. She interrupted two of them who were arguing over a shovel and who should dig where, asking where in the ruins was the shrine? They pointed, and a moment later Frankie saw the ancient Shrine of Jumbok IV:

"Wow," she said breathlessly. There was nothing like this back home, nothing like it at all. She went in for a closer look:

"Amazing," she thought. Yet she felt nothing; no sense of power, no presence of spirits, nothing. She tossed a coin into the fountain and waited. Still nothing; no insight, no sudden realisations, no signs from on high. Again a tear started to form in her eye as she felt like a fool. She'd wasted two hours getting here and accomplished nothing except to lose a quarter. Upset with herself and everything else, she turned to leave-
-and barely had time to duck as a shovel went flying over her head.
The two archeologists she'd asked for directions came running over to her. "Jeez, are you okay, lady? We're sorry! It was his fault-"
Frankie picked up the shovel and took a swing at them, rage burning in her eyes. The surprised archeologists beat a hasty retreat. Frankie stormed off, shovel in hand, back to the hotel, not stopping until she reached the front yard. She hurled the shovel away and sat down on the grass. She felt like she was losing her mind. Some vacation; out of nowhere Miri turned up after being missing for nearly twenty years, she chased all over the island trying desperately to reunite with her, only to have Dylan get ahold of her and demand a date in exchange for her release, and now she'd almost gotten seriously hurt by a shovel flying over her head-
-Over her head. "The answer may be over your head", Captain Dregg had said. Over her head. The shovel was the answer?? She got up and found it, stuck in the grass where it had landed point first. Frankie dug like a woman possessed:

And she found a coin. "Great, the shrine gives refunds!" she laughed, a laugh tinged with the edge of madness. She stopped to look at it. It was an old coin, tarnished with dirt and age but clearly silver. One side had the picture of a building on it, the other the image of a woman. The faint lettering indicated that the woman was "Millicent, Duchess of Jarsay, 1789-1855". Meant nothing to her at first but then it hit her; Duchess. Now there was a head-scratcher; how could Duchess possibly fit into all this? Confused, Frankie dug a little deeper until she found a metal tube. One end was capped; it took her a lot of effort to unscrew it but in the end the cap came off, and for her efforts she found that she had discovered a map:

"Mysterious Hut? What the hell?" This was getting more bewildering by the minute. It didn't sound too promising, this Mysterious Hut. But she was running out of time, running out of options. Dregg had said the answer would be over her head; the shovel had flown over her head and led her to the coin and the map. "Might as well see this through to the end," she said. Grimly, she read the old map and set out yet again:

She passed by the old ruins on her way:

And soon she was heading inland, towards the jungle. The undergrowth was dense, making it harder and harder to follow the directions on the map but still she pushed on, moving ever closer to her destination. A heavy fog rolled in, cold and clammy, but she refused to give up. Never give up, she told herself. In nearly twenty years she never had, never gave up hope that somehow, someday, she'd find Miri, that they'd be together again. True friends don't quit, and Frankie Foster was no quitter. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the jungle and the fog began to thin. In the distance she could see a hill, and on top of the hill there was a mysterious hut...

Coming next: Frankie tells the story of her past.

(To be continued...)

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 12-15-2008 at 08:12 AM.
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