Post up your Fusion Fall Character, then describe them to me (EG. Are they based on how you look in real life, how did you come up with your characters name, ETC.....)
Ok, my turn:
Note, this image is old! I now have a better weapon and a Bunny Backpack that I can't imagine myself without now.
This is my character, Teddy Snowbear. She is based off me (how I look in real life).
She is named after my white teddy bear who I've had all my life called Snowy Bear (I'm soft, I know

). I would have called myself Cuddlesnowy, like I do on most online stuff (games, forums, etc..), but the game kept crashing when I chose it, so I made a name with the generator. I kinda like the name Teddysnow bear anyway, so its fine.
Your Turn
Offtopic: It appears I've posted in the Fusionfall section of the forum more then anywhere else.....wierd