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Old 12-07-2008, 05:53 PM   #1774
Baja Blast my Beloved
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Originally Posted by Meganium View Post
-People with a better metabolism than me.
For some people, it isn't their fault if they can't gain/lose weight as much as/less than others. Genetics, metabolism, etc cause that. Some people really have to watch what they eat, but others (like me) could eat anything they wanted, but not gain a pound. Heck I found out at my last doctor's appointment that I only gained two pounds since the last...six months! And I'm only around 100, at the height of 4'11 1/2''.

So, it's just not anyone's fault for having the body they were born with.

You pulled up some funny stuff there, either way. Most of those annoy me too!

Last edited by antgirl1; 12-07-2008 at 05:53 PM.
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