Originally Posted by duck2k
Just a simple getting the rest of the day off from work (left @ 11 am) - relief! 
AMEN to THAT! Our Principal let us teachers go home today at 3:00, way earlier than we usually get to leave, so even that was a nice surprise! Sorta makes me really worried about the upcoming staff meeting next Tuesday, though; when she lets us go home early, it often means we're gonna be in "lock-down" till, like 6:30 pm when meeting time comes around!
One thing that REALLY made my day, or evening, rather, was when I went to our local Radio Shack to get some cartridge in for my printer/scanner/copier in my classroom at school(yes, we have to purchase our own ink cartridges, and often, our own printers, as the school does not provide these yet requires you to have one). I only needed a black cartridge, but all they had available was two combo packs of black and tri-color cartridges. I REALLY did NOT want to go to Wal-Mart, the only other source of HP cartridges, since Wal-Mart is like a trip through Dante's Inferno this time of year, so I decided to go ahead and get a combo pack, anyway. To both the surprise of myself and the clerk, when she scanned it, it turned out that the combo packs were on sale...REALLY on sale, just four dollars each! Needless to say, I bought both of the remaining combos, for a little over nine bucks counting tax! ONE black cartridge of this particular number costs $22.00 at Wal-Mart, so I got TWO black cartridges PLUS two tri-color cartridges for less than half that!
Now, if I could just find that darn Foster's 2009 calendar...