Haven't seen this one yet, but it sounds interesting. It could make a good series finale.
Oh, and the only time I could see Wilt going 'emo' is if someone made a bad tall joke.

Well...at leats emo in a really angry way, anyway. He gets real ticked off whenever people (especially BLOO, to be more specific) make jokes about his height. But regular 'depressed' emo? Well, he got pretty upset when he lost against Larry for the second time in GWH, but that was for a good reason because he thought that Jordan would never forgive him for 'failing'. Don't know if that'd necessarily pass as 'emo' since we've never actually seen Wilt over-angsting about things (thank goodness), but he was upset enough, so that's probably about as much emo as we're going to get out of him!

But if he's pushed to do something, he just seems to get all the more competitive since he will usually accept it at the drop of a hat.