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Old 12-01-2008, 01:13 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Xroc88 View Post
Like maybe a link to the guide listings or the summary. How do i know its just someone posting BS, a source if can be obtained is required.

And if wilt got pushed he'd probably go emo.
Let's just say that some of us have gotten it "straight from the top", as it were, that these episodes are legit. That's all you need to know at this point.

AND, we've seen how Wilt reacts to "being pushed". He was challenged in GWH, and he gamely accepted the challenge and continued to play, by the rules, I might add, even though he KNEW that Larry was probably going to try to kill him(which he did),and even though the last match between them had ended with Wilt losing an arm and a eye, literally. I don't call that "going emo". We also saw how he reacted in "BlooTube" when Mac insinuated that he was afraid to show off his basketball skills inside the house because he might "miss and break something". No "emo" there, either. Wilt was the first to challenge the dragon-monster that "World" had become in "Destination Imagination" in order to protect Frankie. I've never once seen him "go emo" when faced with a challenge; in fact, Wilt's stoicism is pretty remarkable.

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