Yay! An Invader Zim thread!
Originally Posted by GrimTheLost
If you like Zim you should read some of JVs comics, "Squee!" is my personal fave. But back to Zim, it's kind of sad that they cancelled it in favor of Sponge Bob.
It wasn't cancelled in favor of SB. Nick just wanted to pull the plug because of the show's low ratings and them constantly butting heads with its creator. Zim just wasn't meant for the TV-Y7 audience.
Anyway, I remember religiously taping every new episode during that miserable, once-a-week Friday night slot back when IZ still aired. As far as favorite episodes go, Tak: the Hideous New Girl and Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars win, hands down. I was never a fan of the deformed character plushies, but I was buying shirts, pins, keychains, and patches left and right. The Hot Topic employees knew me by name, and I had to travel to either Phoenix or San Diego to shop because there was no HT in my town. Of course, by the time I grew out of it, we had a Hot Topic built at our mall. Go figure.
I still love Invader Zim, though not to the unhealthy extent that I used to 3 or 4 years ago. The avatar I have is a sketch of Almighty Tallest Miyuki, a former Irken leader that was to appear in The Trial, one of the canned episodes that was already in script form. Yeah, it was NOT okay when they cancelled it.
Originally Posted by taranchula
Yeah Nick really dropped the ball with Zim, they should have given up the rights to the show and let Cartoon Network run with it.
You have no idea how many times I dreamed of that happening. Unfortunately, Nick would sooner drop dead than ever give up the rights to any of their shows.