Originally Posted by Sparky
It ticks me off that my parade vid is STILL not uploaded and its been working 8 hours.
Also, my dad's manners. :/ First he tracked cat poop into our apartment, so it smelled nasty in here while I was trying to cook Thanksgiving dinner (also, that means he drove an hour with that smell and didn't notice?). When he gets here he always sits right in my favorite seat and gets it all messed up, scrunching the slipcover all over and mashing the pillow up and then doesn't fix it. Then he does stuff like dropping the spoon INTO the mashed sweet potatoes after taking his serving so I can't really get any more.  Having him over is really annoying. 
That's just like MY dad...and my late grandfather, too. I don't think either of them even had a sense of smell, seriously. My grandfather had an uncanny talent of being able to find the only mud puddle within a 200-mile radius, in the midst of a drought, and step in it and track mud through the house, and could not for the life of him figure out why my grandmother or anyone else made such a big deal out of it. What was even worse was his talent for finding and stepping in animal poop or motor oil. I'm not sure he even had the necessary muscle groups for wiping his feet. I'm fastidious about my cars, especially the Studebaker, and I keep a brush in the door pocket for brushing off my shoes when I get it. My father gets insulted when he rides with me anywhere and I hand the brush over to him, insisting that he brush the hay bale and gravel pit and dog mess off of his shoes before he gets in, as if I'd be honored to have all that in the foot of my car!