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Old 11-28-2008, 08:33 PM   #344
Agent: Deep Bloo

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You guys have your red headed cartoon crushes and I have mine!  
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Dragon Ball Origins (DS)

A fun little action adventure game that plays a lot like "The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass", only you replace Link with Goku. It also boasts some of the best graphics I've seen on the system, then again I have yet to see a video game with art from Akira Toyama that doesn't look gorgeous.

Though the game did shock me a little, as a lot of the crude humor that the original Dragon Ball series was known for, made it into the North American version of the game and stretches the game's T for Teen rating to it's limits.

I personally don't have a problem with that and I must say it lends an air authenticity to the game.

Elite Beat Agents (DS)

I will never EVER, tire of this game. You know I've often believed that the world would be a much happier place if every one just played this game a little bit every day.
Founder, Owner, President, Chairman, CEO, CFO and Charter member of the "Never Leave Steve" Fan Club! ~Founded: May 21 2006~

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