Originally Posted by niagarafeline
Destination: Imagination > EVERYTHING ELSE ON TV
7:58 pm - 'omgtwomoreminutesi'vewaitingsolooonnnggg'
8:00 pm - 'OHMYGAWDYAYIT'SFINA-....wtf? Total Drama Island commercial? YOU'RE DELAYING MY NIRVANA!
Exactly how I felt at that moment.
Once again, I'm among the last to comment since I've been avoiding this thread like the plague until after I saw it, but that was awesome!! Loved it with a capital "L"!! Some true Frankie appreciation! Even Herriman turned about at the end. I hope it stays that way for the rest of the series. Too bad it came so late though.
"It's an army of zombies!! Incredibly handsome zombies!!"

Yeah, that's what we love about Blooregard isn't it? I sure miss that little guy. And the others too, of course. I also loved the sound of him on helium, that was too funny.
Mr. H is Frankie's uncle?? I must have missed that. I'm watching the encore now though. I'll likely catch things I didn't catch the first time around.