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Search: Posts Made By: Snakemaster9
Forum: The Game Room 02-15-2009, 03:39 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 46,648
Posted By Snakemaster9
I can't uninstall it T_T I don't know the...

I can't uninstall it T_T I don't know the language, and when I try to uninstall it has some error message, so its guna be at the bottom right of my screen forever :(
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 02-15-2009, 12:53 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 13,351
Posted By Snakemaster9
Wait, I was walking around, and I found a place,...

Wait, I was walking around, and I found a place, I think it was Devil's Bluff, And Hex, Mandy, Hoss was there. I was looking for a monkey, and luckily I found one! I got to go to Mount Blackhead...
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 02-14-2009, 02:35 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 13,351
Posted By Snakemaster9
Yea I have Megas with the stealth power, I keep...

Yea I have Megas with the stealth power, I keep running out of my potions :wiltshock:
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 02-14-2009, 07:52 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 13,351
Posted By Snakemaster9
Stuck :(

Im stuck in a mission where Im supposed to go to Pimple back moutnains, im only level 15 so its hard. I dont even kniow how to get there cause theres a bug mountain blocking it and the lines take me...
Forum: Birthdays and Salutations 01-27-2009, 02:54 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 8,096
Posted By Snakemaster9
I have a chinese class, and we had to do a...

I have a chinese class, and we had to do a project on it ::), our teacher's name is Mrs. Hoe btw, just felt like that was important:D
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-27-2009, 12:39 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 15,031
Posted By Snakemaster9
What was the point in the sneak peak to "catch up...

What was the point in the sneak peak to "catch up with where you got to before the final game is released" if you can't even play where you got to on the final release. How stupid!...
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-26-2009, 12:06 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 14,277
Posted By Snakemaster9
This is a level 4 or down character right?

This is a level 4 or down character right?
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-25-2009, 09:43 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 20,886
Posted By Snakemaster9
Thats what they do in Tv Shows all the time,...

Thats what they do in Tv Shows all the time, either a new villain or the villain comes back.
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-25-2009, 06:04 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 20,886
Posted By Snakemaster9
Sorry about that, used to putting image codes :'(

Sorry about that, used to putting image codes :'(
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-24-2009, 02:45 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 20,886
Posted By Snakemaster9
Spoilers Here > Lord Fuse! < Spoilers Here

This picture is not mine. I found it off the internet. Well here is Lord Fuse, i said it was a spoiler in the title dont get mad :cheese:

Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-14-2009, 12:21 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 71,981
Posted By Snakemaster9
I tried to go on my level 14 from the sneak peeks...

I tried to go on my level 14 from the sneak peeks and it said " You must be a suscriber to use this character slot." So they didn't delete anything or stuff like that :D
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-12-2009, 12:05 PM
Replies: 16
Views: 27,364
Posted By Snakemaster9
they will probably be like an expansion where you...

they will probably be like an expansion where you can gain more levels, because now its only to level 36. Since its an mmo, and mmos tend not to end, it shouldn't or people will stop paying
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-09-2009, 12:06 PM
Replies: 16
Views: 27,364
Posted By Snakemaster9
Well, lets just say the last area you were in was...

Well, lets just say the last area you were in was um, Fosters Home. If you didn't subscribe maybe when you try to use past level 4 nanos, it does not work, when you try to go to the other areas, it...
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-08-2009, 12:15 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 14,854
Posted By Snakemaster9
Thank you, I see what I did wrong :D

Thank you, I see what I did wrong :D
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-08-2009, 03:54 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 20,959
Posted By Snakemaster9
I think the protection power means like from...

I think the protection power means like from their special attacks, or from taking your boosts.
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-07-2009, 02:59 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 14,854
Posted By Snakemaster9
Mission Troubles

Can't seem to get to Mt. BlackHead, the mountain keeps taking me down :wiltshock:
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-07-2009, 03:50 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 14,839
Posted By Snakemaster9
When I change guides, I can get all of their...

When I change guides, I can get all of their quests, as up to what my level is, not like 1 guide mission each time, I get the FM from that, then I can go to my other guide, the one I had before.
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-06-2009, 03:14 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 14,839
Posted By Snakemaster9
Yea, I see what you are talking about. I try to...

Yea, I see what you are talking about. I try to do like every little quest now to get FM, or I change guides, and if I level up I just go back to the other guide. :bloogrin:
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 01-03-2009, 04:56 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 14,839
Posted By Snakemaster9
Sometimes can't find your level quests?

I can't find any of my level quests anymore, after there is like a group of them, for example: Mayor's Assistant 1 out of 6, then you finish them, theres no more of your level , and you have to do...
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 12-31-2008, 11:42 AM
Replies: 25
Views: 81,813
Posted By Snakemaster9
Lol, i thought i was the only one that far...

Lol, i thought i was the only one that far without a name:'(
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 12-30-2008, 03:06 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 81,813
Posted By Snakemaster9
Thanks for the program, it really helped :D ...

Thanks for the program, it really helped :D

I hate that Nanocom thing , when it has to charge :scaryberry: ...
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 12-30-2008, 02:25 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 81,813
Posted By Snakemaster9
Hmm, I still can't find it, I go to my clipboard,...

Hmm, I still can't find it, I go to my clipboard, well I have Vista its called Clip Organizer, and still can't find it, so can't do anything on paint. Maybe because of Vista :wiltshock:
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 12-30-2008, 12:11 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 81,813
Posted By Snakemaster9
How do you post pictures, I press Print Screen,...

How do you post pictures, I press Print Screen, but can't find the pictures anywhere :O
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 12-30-2008, 12:02 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 17,438
Posted By Snakemaster9
Well, it goes to the error message, Internet...

Well, it goes to the error message, Internet Explorer is restarting, then everything is closed, this also happens when I exit the game.
Forum: Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall 12-30-2008, 11:30 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 17,438
Posted By Snakemaster9
How weird, whenever I get network close, now...

How weird, whenever I get network close, now fusionfall has to start over :'(
Showing results 1 to 25 of 28


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