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lucyrocks73 08-17-2006 04:37 AM

Dude13's Awesome Series
Is anyone reading Dude13's series on You have to read "More than My Friend" first, or else you will be utterly confused.

Actually, we co-wrote "Wishing Only Wounds the Heart" together, but my chapters suck and his rock (Terrence lovers beware for the last few chapters, because although it has a happy ending, Terrence... well, I won't spoil it, and we wouldn't have put it in, but it fit...)

Hey, I'm not a Terrence basher. He cracks me up.

If anyone needs the link, PM me...

Comments, anyone?

-Marty 8-)

Bloofanatic 08-17-2006 04:41 AM

I'm reading them They're awesome I can't wait for the new chapter I really like the idea of the series (I'm not spoiling it for anyone you'll have to read them)

Cassini90125 08-17-2006 06:02 AM

I don't read fan fiction, but thanks anyway.

Sparky 08-17-2006 07:27 PM

I also, for people who don't know, *very* rarely read fanfiction. It's nothing personal, to anyone, really.

ch3353-h4xx0rrrr 08-19-2006 03:02 PM

I LOVE Dude13's stuff, and I too rarely read fanfictions. But it was really the only one I saw that had proper grammar, no OCs, and looked interesting.

Of course, I'm really not liking what he's doing with Mac's character. It seems like Mac's become some dependant, whiny, two-year-old who needs his mom around 24/7. But that's just my opinion.

lucyrocks73 08-20-2006 04:43 AM

Well, I'll see if I can talk to him about that and see if we can have that fixed. In the sort-of sequel I'm writing, I'm taking a different POV of both Mac and Goo's characters.

We'll see how that works out.

OCs... I HATE OCs. We have one, but he's gone now (it was Connor, and thank goodness we're finally done with HIM. I hated writing him, because I knew he so totally DID NOT fit in).

Thanks for the comments!!!
-Marty 8-)

Voxxyn 08-24-2006 01:40 PM

Dude13 is great... and no, it's not just because he's one of the few people who enjoyed and reviewed my highly-angsty story(*), because I've been a fan for some months before that.

Aside from the main stories, I absolutely love "Dating Woes". People can complain about the extreme fluffyness in that story all they want--but my heart warmed at seeing Frankie suddenly go from a scorned, bitter, snideful ex-girlfriend furious at everything to an affectionate, compassionate, motherly big sister who unconditionally loves her little brother.

THOUGH, I will admit, some of the one-shots can become over-the-top even by Foster's standards. I'm glad to hear that you and he will be taking a different approach to how he portrays Mac.

(* ~ Marty, I really hope you can forgive me for my OOC digressions on my story. I PROMISE all of my future fanfics will be more in-character and true to the show's spirit.)


EDIT: I just read the last few chapters for WOWTH, and... all I have to say is, THERE BETTER ACTUALLY BE A HAPPY ENDING, or I'll be depressed beyond any form of alleviation. With all due respect, I can't imagine how there can actually be a happy ending after what you two just did to one of the characters...

lucyrocks73 08-24-2006 04:26 PM

It will be a bittersweet ending... but I'm not going to ruin it for you. A lot of people are going to hate me...

Thanks for all of your support!!!

-Marty 8-)

Kzinistzerg 08-25-2006 12:49 PM

Yeah... I have to say though, while the fanfics are good, it still dosn't seem like... well, Foster's. It's like you have the same ideas, you know? Because There's a mighty large difference between animated TV and the stuff you guys write, such a difference in medium that it's really prety much impossible to mesh the two in my head. Not that it's your fault, but having such descriptive stories never fail to evoke the wrong images. Like, I realy can't imagine Mac... what with all the stuff that happens...

So enough of rambling, update soon and you guys are doing really well.

LaBlooGirl 08-26-2006 07:35 PM

Yes, his stuff is very good. I believe he wrote the one where Frankie, Mac, Bloo, and even Goo (I think) were trapped in a laundry chute.
That should have been an episode, if it was funny reading it, it would have been even funnier watching it! XD

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