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some guy you dont know 11-26-2006 04:47 PM

who would you adopt?
first off, im not sure if this is the right spot to put it, but i think it is. if not, someone please move it. secondly, im not sure if someone else made a thread like this. but if so just go ahead and delete it.

well, saying you could only adopt one of the imaginary friends at the house, and considering that bloo was up for adoption, which one would you adopt?

id personally adopt wilt, because hes my favorite character, i could use the help when it comes to basketball(and trying to be nice to everyone), and i think that since i know im the kind of person that would probably never outgrow him. and even if i did, it would be kinda fun to come by and visit him every 5 years.

all in all, if he was real, and i could adopt him, id be a better person for it.

Jabberwocky 11-26-2006 04:56 PM

Jackie Khones. :jk:

Edit: Bloo would be my first choice but even if he were up for adoption, he wouldn't really want to be adopted.

Sparky 11-26-2006 04:58 PM

This section I think is the right one for this thread. We had one like it on the old forum but I don't think we've had one on this forum yet.

I'd adopt Red. ;D I think my "back-up" would be Cy, the green cyclops, because we both sew, lol. But I totally want Red.

(I still need to make that Red ottoman cover. I still have leftover fabric from making the big Wilt doll so I'm partway there.)

Cassini90125 11-26-2006 05:06 PM

Eduardo. He's been my first choice since I first started watching the show, and he remains so to this day. :)

Thornwhistle 11-26-2006 05:26 PM

I want to adopt Coco,I think she is neat and I can get to open those gift eggs of hers. :D

antgirl1 11-26-2006 06:11 PM

Neither. It's better to see them in Foster's than to just take one away. :D

pitbulllady 11-26-2006 06:18 PM

Cheese isn't up for adoption, since he doesn't live at Foster's, but is still with his creator, Louise.

I'd love to adopt Wilt; I could write a book on the reasons why, but I'm sure everyone, especially those who've known me long enough, can figure 'em out. Still, he wouldn't want to come with me, since I don't have kids, and Wilt really believes his purpose is to help kids. On the other hand, though, due to my job, it might not be that difficult. The young guys I teach could sure use a male role model like Wilt in their lives! It would still not be right, though, to take him away from his friends that have been his only family for at least 22 years. Besides, as someone who knows how much aggravation regular old day-to-day household chores are for just ONE person, I couldn't do that to Frankie! She might not realize just how much Wilt does around that house until he's gone, but that would be too much of a burden on her to cope with alone.


Bloo2daMacs 11-26-2006 06:34 PM

I wouldn't adopt Wilt, Coco, or Ed. It would break up their friendship.

I guess I'd adopt Stats (LOL!) or Jackie Khones (of course!). I'd love to adopt Bendy (sort of), just so I could see if I could teach that PUNK some respect! And, seing as how Bendy is polite and sweet around adults and proper authorities, and I don't have any children in my house (besides my cats), I think he'd be a generally kind guy. Cuz, unless he's an idiot, he couldn't get away with blaming my cats. I wouldn't believe it if some kid walked up to me and cryed because he didn't knock over the vase, the cat did! OMG IT WAS THE CAT!!
No one who didn't knock over a vase would take the fact that it was the cat that did it so seriously. Besides, how do you punish a cat? :frankiesmile:

some guy you dont know 11-26-2006 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 18536)
Cheese isn't up for adoption, since he doesn't live at Foster's, but is still with his creator, Louise.

didnt think of that. oh well, lets assume he was up for adoption

BabyElephant 11-26-2006 07:03 PM

I'd have to go with Red. I mean, how can you not love the guy? Kind and gentle, yet able to intimidate irritating neighbors and move heavy furniture with ease. Granted, I could have picked Eduardo for the same reasons, but I really couldn't see Ed leaving Foster's. Also, I'd have to give Red the edge in terms of fish feeding skills. ;D

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