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CG 11-17-2006 02:19 AM

Note of Upcoming Story
Those of who know me long enough knows I love the movie Spirited Away with a great passion.

I just re-watched it after a long time, and I've decided to write a Foster's version. Already I have the characters worked out.

Here's the cast, but I might change later if need be:

Chihiro :goo:
At first I was unsure who to cast, but I figured given Goo's personality now it might be interesting to see what could have made her into such an exciteable hyper character. Plus seeing her not being allowed in charge (which she obviously likes) will be interesting to play out.

Haku :)
And here is Mac, making his appearance as the assistant to the evil woman who runs the bathhouse. Mac was a perfect match, given his sensitive personality but how he can also be easily aggrivated and a little pig headed at times. Plus dragon Mac will be intesting.

Yu-Baaba >:(
The runner of the bathhouse for the imaginaries, Duchess fits the role perfectly. She sees herself as high class, and a place she runs can be nothing but. Plus her obsession with precious stones/jewels helps too.

Kamajii :D
Wilt takes the reigns as the elderly man who runs the boiler room. I mostly cast Wilt on account of his extendable arm; but here he has three arms instead of four like Kamajii. He's also nicer, but still knows he's in charge of that small corner of the world. He'd tell you to work, but ask nicely as he does it.

Lin :frankiesmile:
The young woman who helps Goo fit into the bathhouse could not be played by anyone but Frankie. Tough, but means well, she does a lot of hard work and gets little recognition for it. Who else but Frankie could fit the role?

Bou :-/
Duchesses 'baby'; this one was tough to cast. In the end, Eduardo gets to be the spoilt 'baby' who gets mothered to the point of being afraid of going outside but wanting his own way all the time. Being turned into a small creature is probably the best thing to happen to him.

Kashira :herriman:
Those green headed guys who bounce around; Herriman's head but instead of saying "Oi" they'll be saying "Quite". It works in a twisted way.

Yu-Bird ;)
A bird who starts out looking like a flying Duchess eventually becomes Coco, a smaller version of course, who helps Eduardo and Goo on their mission.

No Face :bloogrin
Here is Bloo's debut into the story. A character so wanting to be accepted by everyone he'll do whatever it takes. From giving soap tokens, to giving gold. But when he doesn't get what he wants he throws a tantrum of all tantrums. But he means well, deep down inside.

Zeniiba :mfoster:
Lastly, Zeniiba is to be played by Madame Foster. A kindly old lady who is the total opposite of her 'sister' Duchess.

As you can see I got a writing task ahead of me; but I hope I can get it done some time in the near future. Just let me know if you guys would be interested, if not I'll keep it souly on my account, or my LJ.

LaBlooGirl 11-17-2006 04:15 AM

Whoa, awesome! Please do write this and share it, that's an interesting idea indeed! I liked Spirited Away myself (I own the DVD) though mostly I enjoyed the dragon. ;) (Coolest dragon EVER.)

Cassini90125 11-17-2006 06:34 AM

It certainly sounds interesting, though I'll admit that I have absolutely no idea who these characters are. ;)

Carlaz 11-17-2006 06:40 AM

:) Intersting writing! Thanks for sharing with us. :)

"C" the Dragon 11-17-2006 12:22 PM

Herriman's role sounds so hilarious LOL!!!8D

antgirl1 11-17-2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 16114)
It certainly sounds interesting, though I'll admit that I have absolutely no idea who these characters are. ;)

You've never seen "Spirited Away"?

Cassini90125 11-17-2006 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 16290)
You've never seen "Spirited Away"?

Nope, never saw it, but it's on my list for the next trip to Blockbuster.

antgirl1 11-17-2006 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 16295)
Nope, never saw it, but it's on my list for the next trip to Blockbuster.

I'm not sure if you can find it anymore...but it IS a good movie. :D

P.S. The person who made it was the same person to make "Kiki's Delivery Service" and "Castle in the Sky". :D

taranchula 11-17-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 16296)
I'm not sure if you can find it anymore...but it IS a good movie. :D

P.S. The person who made it was the same person to make "Kiki's Delivery Service" and "Castle in the Sky". :D

That would be the great Hayao Miyazaki

kageri 11-17-2006 09:39 PM

For some reason I was wondering if Bloo would be No Face. Wasn't sure why, just thought it would work. Maybe it was that scene with him eating everything in sight, including innocent bystanders.

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