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Mr. Marshmallow 11-10-2006 04:26 PM

Dreams Come true
What are your dreams that you would like to come true? I mean whether they are real or not. Is there anything you ever wanted to do that you knew was impossible, or anyone you ever wanted to meet even if she/he was dead or fake.

Being the geek that I am, one of my life long dreams (tho I know it's impossible) is to meet cartoon characters that i've grown up with over the years. From classics like Darkwing Duck, Rescue Rangers, and Sonic the Hedgehog.

To modern day toons like Teen Titans, Foster's and W.I.T.C.H. I always wanted to hang around and as crazy as it some of the toon girls and meet the toon guys I've grown up and spend my whole life dreaming about.

:jk: I know I sound wacko....but anyways, what are your dreams you would like to come true?

Cassini90125 11-10-2006 04:48 PM

I think everyone here knows my answer to that. :frankiesmile:

There aren't many others left. Oh, there's the Powerball jackpot, of course, and several involving space travel or living in a swords and sorcery setting. More down to earth I look forward to the next Sims expansion packs, the Sims 3 game in 2009, and I occasionally wonder about going back to school and getting a degree, or what it might be like to be better looking, or vaporizing various people that I detest. Nothing really exotic. But my fondest dreams, the ones about love, settling down, and having a family of my own, they all center on Frankie, and that's not going to change. :frankiesmile:

And no, what you said doesn't sound wacko, not to me :)

kageri 11-10-2006 05:25 PM

My dream is to eat a whole pizza all by myself.

Mr. Marshmallow 11-10-2006 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 14732)
My dream is to eat a whole pizza all by myself.

Now there's a dream I have accomplished many, many, MANY times :bloogrin.

I am totally obsessed with pizza, I NEVER get sick of it.

BlooCheese 11-10-2006 08:21 PM

I love pizza too, but I'd probably throw up if I'd try eating the entire thing.

The dream I've had ever since I knew it existed was to be the high school valedictorian of my grade. Now that I'm in 9th grade, let's see if it'll come true.

Mr. Marshmallow 11-12-2006 02:16 PM

My dream is actually more similar to Cassini's but on a more "grander" scale. I would not only like to meet the cartoon heroes of my past and present TV watching expierence. But in all honesty, I would dream to with them.

I wish i could have a big ass house and actually have my fav. cartoon characters as room mates and actually eat, talk, hang out with them. I often find myself day dreaming in school, imagining what would happen if they actually appeared in class that day. Or if I saw them walking down a road.

Like if I'm driving my car and just picture it in my head, I have thoughts like that all the time. I too dream of a family and marrying someone I love. Marrying a toon fem would be indescribable, though despite my love for Frankie, marrying her would be close to my dream of marrying Sailor Jupiter.

Other dreams I want would be to see my fan fics become a reality like, if I could see them on TV as a show or something, and to make movies to see in public theaters.

Kzinistzerg 11-12-2006 09:03 PM

I would like... to stop being so dumb and irresponsible, becuase I know I have the talent to do whatever I want, if i try hard enough.

I''d really, really, really, REALLY love to be a werewolf or weretiger.

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