Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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FostersFriend 08-16-2006 07:38 AM

Strange and bizarre Cheese, couldn't get any better. With his strange comments and random catch phrase "I like chocolate milk". Cheese has become very popular among fans of Fosters and hope to see more of him. Cheese has made four appearances so far. Mac daddy,the big cheese,the big Picture and infernal slumber. Many residents at Foster's despise Cheese, who never seems to consider that he doesn't live at Foster's. Cheese's crazy wackyness never stops to ammuse fans.

Scribble 08-16-2006 10:58 AM

Omg I don't suppose I could use that animation in my sig could I? :p

Cheese is so hilarious! Some people are annoyed by him but I just look at him and burst out laughing. And my mum and I are often found exchanging many of his famous catchphrases now. :p

GrimTheLost 08-16-2006 01:13 PM

How can you dislike Cheese. He's a cowboy and a horse. Not many imaginary friends are so versitile.:D

Cassini90125 08-16-2006 01:15 PM

He's funny. I just hope he doesn't get overused, as seems to be happening with Goo.

One Radical Dude 08-16-2006 01:51 PM

I don't see Cheese becoming a regular, but I could be proven wrong. I loved the last episode, even though it wasn't as great as Mac Daddy.

The thing I love about Cheese is the craziness he brings to the show. I also love the voice Candi Milo provides to the character.

So, yesssssss!!!

Sparky 08-16-2006 03:41 PM

Even if they never use Cheese again (doubtful though!) I think he belongs in this section just because even now, with only...what, three? appearances under his belt, he's become an icon of the show, and Cartoon Network itself.

Even though I wore my Cheese t-shirt to the biggest mall in Sacramento today and nobody said anything to me. :'( Sure people like my GIR messenger bag, but no love for Cheese.

BlooCheese 08-16-2006 04:18 PM

For shame!

Who can't resist Cheese's wonkiness and stupidity?

One Radical Dude 08-16-2006 06:46 PM

Actually, he's appeared in four episodes, one was a very brief cameo.

bloonuggets 08-16-2006 07:22 PM

[In a raspy inhale]Okay.[/In a raspy inhale]

FostersFriend 08-16-2006 10:12 PM

Cheese is a great character, and never stops to ammuse me. I also find my mom andmyself repeating "I like chocolate milk" 8D


Sure Scribbble use can use it as a sig :)

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