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FostersFriend 08-16-2006 06:50 AM

A crazy and wacky bird who only says one word "coco". Coco was imagined by a girl lost on a island, and imagined Coco by looking at her surroundings e.g. palm trees, coconuts etc. At Foster's home, Coco is a helpful and sometimes even annoying bird, aeroplane, tree thing. She does sometimes seem to get in the way, but hey! thats why we love her. As we have seen aswell there are many sides to Coco, which would be even considered by Mr. Herriman "lady like". Coco is Foster's own wacky creation, who always stands up for her rights, not to mention lay eggs. ;)

bloonuggets 08-16-2006 07:25 PM

Co co cococococo coco co cocococo co.

FostersFriend 08-16-2006 11:17 PM

Coco is a great character. And shes pretty funny. And even though we don't understand her much. She still makes pretty good sense! ;)

One Radical Dude 08-19-2006 12:49 AM

Coco Co Co Coco Coco Cococo!!!! ;)

Everyone's favorite bird, plant, airplane thing. What would we do without her? :bloogrin

ch3353-h4xx0rrrr 08-19-2006 06:20 AM

We would all die.

Well, Bloo would be dead. And if Bloo was dead, I'm sure Emma would be dead, as well. xD

LaBlooGirl 08-20-2006 06:15 PM

Coco is another favorite and extremely lovable. She can be the strong female character who speaks her mind, boy, you bet she will! LOL (Hm, like the time she said something obviously shocking on how they would be rid of Peanut Butter...)
She seems to be doing so well, despite her somewhat unpredictable sanity, and has a way of cheering others up.

However her No.1 accomplishment was...getting Blooregard Q. Kazoo to say "I'm sorry", and MEAN IT.

Chaos Wielder 08-20-2006 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by LaBlooGirl (Post 1433)
Coco is another favorite and extremely lovable. She can be the strong female character who speaks her mind, boy, you bet she will! LOL (Hm, like the time she said something obviously shocking on how they would be rid of Peanut Butter...)
She seems to be doing so well, despite her somewhat unpredictable sanity, and has a way of cheering others up.

However her No.1 accomplishment was...getting Blooregard Q. Kazoo to say "I'm sorry", and MEAN IT.

Boy, do you have that right! XD She really can be strong on the inside at times, speaking her mind and telling people how she truly feels. That is why she's my second favorite character, after all.

Anyway, Coco seems to be a very complicated and hard to figure out kind of person at first glance, but when you get to know her it's easier to understand who she truly is. To me, she is a straight-forward (for the most part...except for when she's trying to help Wilt out in "Bus the Two of Us", but that was for a good purpose. XP), free-spirited, lovable character that anyone could like. It's said that scientists studied her on the island that she was imagined at and because of this, some people think that that is the reason that Coco is 'insane' at times. Honestly, I don't think they're too far off because that's the only explination that I can come up with (well, except for the fact that she might have been stranded on that island with her creator for so long that it might have driven her crazy as well). But another thing that I noticed is that she seems to be VERY good with kids (Cuckoo for Coco Cards is a perfect example of this) and, just like you said, knows how to cheer people up with her bizarre sense of humor. Also, unlike characters like Eduardo (because of his child-like mind I don't think he can truly comprehend something as deep as romance), I think she's fully capable of feeling romantic feelings for other IFs and that's because of the lamp-shade incident! XD Poor ol' Chick Cluckers. XP

But she really CAN accomplish a lot of things if she can get Bloo (BLOO, of all people!!) to apologise to her. I guess it shows how much Bloo may think of Coco deep inside even though he rarely shows it. ;) Because of this, I think that Coco may have shined some light on the situation, making Bloo realize just how important friendship truly is. It's obvious that that kind of thing is something that she holds very dear to her-if it wasn't for her friends, then I truly think that she WOULD be completely insane.

scary_dream 08-30-2006 09:35 AM

Nice, Chaos. Puts my reply to shame ;)

Coco reminds me of one of those women who at a young age would create clubs that the only rules were "No Boys Allowed!"

She is an alpha-female all the way but with still enough room in her heart to care about her male roommates, and she's a fitting change in a (mostly) male-dominated cast.

Emma 08-30-2006 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by ch3353-h4xx0rrrr (Post 1022)
We would all die.

Well, Bloo would be dead. And if Bloo was dead, I'm sure Emma would be dead, as well. xD

It's true.

And Coco's awesome. She's such a take charge kinda gal, not to mention she seems to have tons of sway over everyone else. She's the one Wilt goes to for help, she can calm Eduardo down, and she can get Bloo to (honestly) feel bad about something. Not to mention she's sort of a "friendship meter" for character on the show. If you can understand Coco, you're part of the club.

BlooCheese 08-31-2006 10:04 AM

I want to be just like Coco when I grow up.

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