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Emma 09-30-2006 09:52 PM

Homestar Frikkin' Runner
I realized that this thread wasn't resurected since the move...and this made me weep.

Anydangway, what did you fellow fans (in order to become a fellow fan go here) think of the latest email? I loved it, so many good lines to quote over and over again accompanied by poor impersonations until your family keels over. :D

"I think I'm...pregnant!"
", you're Homestar...the male."
"Oh, phew! Thought I was a pregnant woman there for a second!"
~Homestar and Strong Sad


Thornwhistle 09-30-2006 11:21 PM

I'm partial to Homestar's cousin,Homsar. He makes me laugh.

"You're a real state trooper."
"Don't look now,I'm just a friendly reminder."
"I think I just won the power ball."

Nyo 10-01-2006 06:55 AM

OMG, I love H*R. I've seen most of the SBEmails, and all of the toons, shorts, and Teen Girl Squads. :D

taranchula 10-01-2006 10:02 AM

Yeah I kind of forgot to bring this thread back after the move...

After all H*R is where I took my screename from. (Taranchula is the name of the fake death metal band that appears from time to time, not to be confused with Limozeen the fake 80's hair metal band that appears from time to time.)

And, oh yeah it's October, and that means we have the annual "Halloween Toon" to look foreward to, and hopefully more of Strong bad riffing on people's H*R halloween costumes that always rules.

Emma 10-01-2006 01:51 PM

I'm going as Strong Bad for Halloween...which is going to be some tricky buisness considering I'm a girl. But I'll figure something out. But I'm totally going to send the Bros. Chaps a picture. I would give my right arm to have Strong Bad make fun of me. I really would.

scary_dream 10-02-2006 08:40 AM

Ooooh you're going as Strong Bad for Halloween? Rockin'! I had four friends that went as Teen Girl Squad for Halloween last year. It was so amazing! Probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen, especially because the girl who was the Cheerleader had a dress that said "Boy Monger" on it! 8D


Emma 10-02-2006 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 8654)
Ooooh you're going as String Bad for Halloween? Rockin'! I had four friends that went as Teen Girl Squad for Halloween last year. It was so amazing! Probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen, especially because the girl who was the Cheerleader had a dress that said "Boy Monger" on it! 8D


That sounds truly awesome! I wish I could've seen that! I hope I can scrap my costume together in time. I'm going to have to be slightly liberal with his design though, due to a shortage of cash. I'm thinking black face paint with some green eyeshadow...and that's about all I've figured out as of now. XD

Super Sonic X 10-05-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 8451)
And, oh yeah it's October, and that means we have the annual "Halloween Toon" to look foreward to, and hopefully more of Strong bad riffing on people's H*R halloween costumes that always rules.

Then we might get a Thanksgiving followup to last year's Fall Float Parade, and then, not too soon after, a Decemberween toon...maybe.

By the way...Did you guys see the new SBEMail - Retirement parts a and b? AWEXOME. CROSS.


Originally Posted by Emma (Post 8554)
I'm going as Strong Bad for Halloween...which is going to be some tricky buisness considering I'm a girl. But I'll figure something out. But I'm totally going to send the Bros. Chaps a picture. I would give my right arm to have Strong Bad make fun of me. I really would.

I was SB one year, too! I had to wear a white shirt with "TO THE LIMIT" taped on it, due to the cold.

antgirl1 04-21-2010 06:11 PM

A while ago I went to the SBEmails and I found one called "Imaginary Friend". I watched it, found it hilarious, and automatically thought of Foster's. 8D

Sorry for the sudden resurrection.

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