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-   -   A playable version of Big Fat Awesome House Party has been recovered (

Strawrat 02-07-2022 10:36 PM

A playable version of Big Fat Awesome House Party has been recovered
Hey, nearly two years ago I made this post about reviving the web game Big Fat Awesome House Party (BFAHP) by asking people to search the browser cache of any old computers where they played it. I'm happy to report that BFAHP version 1.14.3 (any updates until 2007-06-18) has been recovered and should be playable in BlueMaxima's Flashpoint in a future release sometime this year. :D

Here's a 1-hour video of me playing Big Fat Awesome House Party if you want to see the game in action.

Note that this version is still missing several locations, four Game Hive minigames, and some of Bloo's adventures, so the hunt for later versions is still on. In particular, the following locations are not present in this version: Mac's School, The Park, Junkyard, and The Airport.

If you want to help us with this or if you want to potentially find other lost web games by searching an old computer's browser cache, be sure to check this page in the Flashpoint wiki.

Mew 03-20-2022 09:23 AM

Oh wow, that's great news! I never played it much myself (could never get it working) but I know a lot of people missed it. Always great to see lost media getting preserved.

Sparky 08-07-2022 02:37 PM

Is there an update on this? :terrsmile:

carlito_cool 08-10-2022 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 129151)
Is there an update on this? :terrsmile:

You can actually play Big Fat Awesome House Party on Flashpoint Core by curating the file. You can download the file from their discord.
BTW, I love being nostalgic once again.

BY the way, this forum might be alive again because this is the only website that has Big Fat Awesome House Party walkthroughs, guides, etc when the game is now released on Flashpoint.

Playing shutterbug mini game in the arcade is so awesome again. The last time i played this game was 13 years ago.

Sparky 08-17-2022 11:41 AM

If somebody can please post a step-by-step guide here on how to download and play this game with links I would highly appreciate it. We're in the process of buying a home AND it's my business' busy season so I have not been able to find the time to do it myself. Thank you.

Strawrat 08-24-2022 08:47 AM

The game is included in the latest Flashpoint release, but there's a bug that prevents this and some other games from working. When a patch is available, I'll post a step-by-step guide.

Sparky 08-24-2022 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Strawrat (Post 129165)
The game is included in the latest Flashpoint release, but there's a bug that prevents this and some other games from working. When a patch is available, I'll post a step-by-step guide.

Thank you very much :terrsmile:

Strawrat 01-27-2023 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 129166)
Thank you very much :terrsmile:

Since the game was patched in the latest Flashpoint release, I made a new thread with the step-by-step guide.

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