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Mew 01-27-2021 03:54 PM

FHFIF Funko POP figures!
Official announcement here, plus another pic of Mac here.

Wow, what a surprise! Right out of a clear blue sky, Foster's merch! I first heard about Funko when they made that Bloo bobblehead back in the day, feels extra-nostalgic to see FHFIF merch from them...

I'm not a huge fan of POPs, but I think these are really nice (except Bloo's eyes - they look okay on Mac and Ed but they just don't work for Bloo!), I'll probably pick them up. Hope they make more characters later on!

Another Castle 01-28-2021 11:03 AM

Surprising news!

Outside of the fandom, and people who watched it when they were kids, I was thinking that Fosters has become somewhat forgotten by the mainstream, or faded a little into obscurity*, for these to be revealed. 12 years after the show ended. Maybe it's coming back in the nostalgia circle!

I'm not a Funko Pop fan, I own a few that I'm find of but a lot of them look crap and a bit dead eyed, and they're a bit of a waste of money. But these are cute, I may snap them up if released in the UK!

*Although saying that, I visited the Stratosphere in Las Vegas five years ago, and was surprised to see large Bloo plushies in a arcade grabber machine! Maybe it's still remembered! :):bloogrin:

Sparky 02-03-2021 09:38 AM

I might get the POPs and repaint the eyes like I've seen others do. I have no idea why anyone would like the POPs as they are. :P

Mew 02-06-2021 03:39 PM

POPs have grown on me over the years (still not a *huge* fan of them, though), but yeah, the eyes are pretty soulless. Sparky, if you do repaint them, I'd love to see photos :) I've seen pics of other repainted POPs and they look so much better with proper eyes.

Another Castle - that was the impression I've been under, too! definitely felt like it wasn't remembered like it used to be... and then suddenly these! Not even as part of a general "CN nostalgia release", either, I think these were the only CN reveals from the Funko Fair. Very exciting news.

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