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carlito_cool 03-23-2020 05:24 AM

Corona Virus Outbreak
I know this is the sad day for us but this covid 19 is getting out of control.

Stay safe to all of you!

Macfan123 03-24-2020 09:11 PM

Well I am doing good and swell, I hope everyone on this board and their family is okay.

Cassini90125 03-28-2020 03:00 AM

The virus's impact on my life has been fairly minimal, at least so far. I won't bore you with the details, but since I don't work and the businesses I frequent are still open (although some are closing earlier than usual), neither my income nor my nightly trip out has been affected. Groceries may be a problem at some point but if I have to stay in I'm fine for a few weeks. There are currently 1,291 confirmed cases of the virus here in Connecticut (9 in my town), with 27 deaths statewide (none in my town). It's going to get worse before it gets better. :macwor:

Sparky 03-29-2020 02:51 PM

Bro was already working from home Fridays so he's just doing that full time now. I sell through Etsy however hardly anyone is buying right now so I'm broke. On top of still struggling with probate since last year I do have worries about money. I'm considering working maybe part time at a grocery store or something as many businesses like that are hiring.

frankie_fan 03-29-2020 09:10 PM

Our state government in Australia has just raised the threat level to stage 3.

Lynnie 03-30-2020 10:58 PM

I've become more of a hermit though the years so my routine hasn't changed much. And I work in an essential field so I'm still working full time. So all is good there. What I'm mostly worried about now is the economy once this is over.

Grocery shopping has been super frustrating the last few weeks, but there's signs it's calming down there. My state is under a "Stay at home" order by the governor, which I understand is the second most extreme order that can be given. Groups of people who refuse to comply are being broken up by the police and cited where needed, but we aren't being pulled over for just driving. Neither are we cited if we take a walk around our neighborhood. I know some places where people can't even do that.

To note, the very first confirmed case outside China was in the Seattle metro where I am. So was the first death. Last I heard Washington State is just about to hit 4,900 confirmed cases and 200 deaths. Most of those were/are in the Seattle metro.

Cassini90125 07-30-2020 11:12 PM

Currently at 49,670 cases and 4,431 deaths in Connecticut (780 and 131 in my town). We're seeing a rise here after a lull. :macwor:

Had a routine doctor appointment on the 28th. The hospital was quieter than usual, with fewer patients and staff. The staff were in good spirits. Everyone was masked, of course, and seating in the waiting room had been altered to promote social distancing. Not much I can add to that, other than to note that the bus home was late, but since the CT buses are now apparently fare-free I'm not complaining. On the way home I stopped for groceries at Stop & Shop; first visit to an actual grocery store since way back in March. Less crowded than usual, one-way aisles which most people followed without a problem, a remarkably short checkout line, and, much to my surprise, no change in prices since my last visit. Grabbed what I came for (primarily fresh seafood and greens), paid, sat at the bus stop for 20 minutes, and got home after a 15 minute ride. I've never seen the town look so green; other colors seemed brighter, too. Might be because I'm not usually active until sundown but still, it was very noticeable. Good day but I won't kid myself; it's a nightmare out there, it's still getting worse, and all we can do is wait for a usable vaccine, and hope it comes sooner rather than later. Nothing more I can really say on the matter (without violating the forum rules, at least) so I'll end this here and hope to see an update or two from the rest of you. ;)

KazooBloo 01-05-2021 02:33 PM

Go figure that my state would go from the most diligent cleaning and highest preventable spread to being one of the top hotspots in the world for Covid. :(

carlito_cool 04-23-2021 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by KazooBloo (Post 129024)
Go figure that my state would go from the most diligent cleaning and highest preventable spread to being one of the top hotspots in the world for Covid. :(

Cassini90125 06-13-2021 07:33 PM

Forgot to mention this but I got my vaccination awhile back. The first shot gave me a sore arm; the second shot, two weeks later, gave me a very slight headache and a sore arm. I think I can live with that. In any case I still wear a mask when shopping or riding the bus but thank the stars things seem to be winding down, at least in my state.

Thanks and appreciation to the Pfizer corporation and the staff at the UConn Medical Center. :frankiesmile: :up:

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