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Nebula 12-21-2018 02:57 PM

My collection of Marvin the Martian stuff
So I know it says in my bio that I really love Marvin but I thought I'd let yall know the extent of how much I LOVE MARVIN.

My Marvin Shelf

Marvin plushies (and wilt lol)

5 foot cutout of Marvin (bad picture, but he's in my window that faces the street so people outside can see him)

Yeah. So as you can see I've got a bit of an obsession with the little guy. :grin:

Sparky 12-26-2018 06:11 PM

My bro and I both love Marvin. My car has a Marvin theme. :)

Nebula 12-29-2018 11:32 AM

Oh my gosh, really? Do you have any pics of the Marvin car??

Macfan123 12-30-2018 05:19 AM

Were you able to get the Funko wacky wobbler of Marvin The Martian?

Nebula 12-30-2018 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Macfan123 (Post 128886)
Were you able to get the Funko wacky wobbler of Marvin The Martian?

No, I wasn't; in fact, I didn't even know those existed until you just mentioned them and I had to look it up.

Sparky 01-01-2019 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nebula (Post 128885)
Oh my gosh, really? Do you have any pics of the Marvin car??

No, but all I have is a steering wheel cover that's falling part and a couple of floor mats...I used to have a decal that peeled off, and in the 90's I had an awesome antenna topper that got stolen when I was parked in LA. :P I don't mean that I'm all tricked out or anything lol.

Nebula 01-02-2019 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 128890)
No, but all I have is a steering wheel cover that's falling part and a couple of floor mats...I used to have a decal that peeled off, and in the 90's I had an awesome antenna topper that got stolen when I was parked in LA. :P I don't mean that I'm all tricked out or anything lol.

Jeez, who would think that someone would steal your ANTENNA TOPPER? Sheesh, people are weird.

KazooBloo 03-01-2019 09:48 PM

You need a much bigger shrine and devote your soul to Marvin, or you'll make him very very angry indeed.

Nebula 03-06-2019 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by KazooBloo (Post 128897)
You need a much bigger shrine and devote your soul to Marvin, or you'll make him very very angry indeed.

Oh, I'm already pretty dang devoted to Marvin. About half of my entire artistic output is just drawings of him.

Sparky 03-07-2019 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nebula (Post 128885)
Oh my gosh, really? Do you have any pics of the Marvin car??

So I thought of you today when I saw this in front of a Rite Aid in my town, lol. Sorry only one photo, the owner wasn't there and I felt weird enough taking one pic of a stranger's car.

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