Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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kaytea 02-25-2017 01:50 AM

is this place still active, holy cow!

Cassini90125 02-25-2017 02:03 AM

Yep, still here. Not terribly active but far from dead. ;)

Welcome back, make yourself at home! :bloogrin:

KazooBloo 02-25-2017 08:57 PM

Occasionally there's a post.

kaytea 03-01-2017 05:36 AM

Tbh I'm not sure if I'll be fully returning I might stop by here are there, but yeah this place just came to mind and I wanted to see if it was still around..

But if anyone wants to stay in touch my Twitter is @Lovalotl and my Tumblr is and I post my art on

YuckieDuck 03-18-2017 02:56 PM

It's wonderful to see this forum is still around (unlike so many others that I used to visit). I haven't been active here at all (five years since I last made a post!) but occasionally visit for old times' sake. Watching Foster's was really a wonderful experience. I watched the last few seasons as soon as they were available online, which was an all-new experience for me, as I was used to waiting months and months for foreign series to air here. This forum was definitely an important part of that experience!

As for today, I have to admit I haven't watched a full episode of Foster's in years. Maybe I should do it again one day (I think I still have the first four seasons on DVD), but for now, I have all the great memories. I recently watched some of my childhood favorite cartoons for the first time in 15 years, so someday... I still listen to the Pizza Party song a few times every year, so in a way Foster's still plays a role in my life. I have to admit adulthood can be quite boring at times, and cartoons are like a door to the good old days when everything was quite simple. :)

Long live Never Forgotten!

kaytea 06-29-2023 11:33 PM

Just stopping by to share where I post my art now, in case anyone ever wanted to know where I went

also here's one of my latest drawings
(I've improved quite a bit lol)

ps. lookin' at old post I made, I have to say God I was cringe lol, and not in the good way like I am now, just the ugh kinda cringe, anyhoo I also want to apologize for how rude I also came off back then too :c

KazooBloo 12-08-2023 09:28 PM

I love how this forum resembles the interfaces of previous forums I used to frequent. Has the lovely cozy membership feeling too. :cheese:

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