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Ccook50 12-31-2012 02:28 AM

2013 list of words and phrases that should be banned
As per Lake Superior State University, annually:

Fiscal cliff
Kick the can down the road
Double down
Job creators/creation
Spoiler alert
Bucket list
Boneless wings

Cassini90125 12-31-2012 03:07 PM

"Boneless wings" made the list? Can't understand that one. Might even be ordering them later tonight. On the other hand, if I hear the term "Fiscal cliff" again, I may start screaming. :P


Originally Posted by Ccook50 (Post 125659)

Um, whut??? :bloocross:

frankie_fan 12-31-2012 05:57 PM

If I remember correctly, YOLO stands for You Only Live Once.

Lynnie 01-02-2013 07:41 AM

Hmm, I've never heard "Double down" or "Kick the can down the road". Where did those come from? Anyway, yeah, definitely sick of... the... "f***** c****" term, along with "trending", "YOLO", and "spoiler alert". And I guess I've heard "superfood" an awful lot, but I don't know if I'm sick of the word yet.

And as a deeper explanation on "YOLO", there are meme pictures all over the web of people doing incredibly stupid/horrific/irresponsible/immature things that for the most part anyone would be humiliated to be caught doing or even witnessing. And the letters "YOLO" are pasted into the picture some where. The memes seem to be popular with a certain group of teens who find them hilarious and/or an excuse to be stupid and irresponsible. But for most of us, it's just stupid and annoying. :P

One Radical Dude 01-04-2013 03:23 PM

I can definitely live without hearing fi.....I mean...FC. :P

BluebottleFlyer 01-10-2013 04:15 AM

The whole "YOLO" thing is getting very old - it wasn't even funny to begin with. I also think "Gangnam Style" should be on that list.

Mew 01-11-2013 06:12 AM

I've never heard of most of these =o


Originally Posted by BluebottleFlyer (Post 125686)
The whole "YOLO" thing is getting very old - it wasn't even funny to begin with. I also think "Gangnam Style" should be on that list.

Ugh yes, Gangnam Style has been really grating on my nerves recently.

frankie_fan 01-11-2013 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mew (Post 125699)
Ugh yes, Gangnam Style has been really grating on my nerves recently.

At least it's BETTER than Justin Bieber! Can't STAND him! :frankiemad:

Cassini90125 01-12-2013 08:21 PM

Okay, I think I've learned all I need to know about "YOLO". Yeah, definitely ban it. :P


Originally Posted by frankie_fan (Post 125701)
At least it's BETTER than Justin Bieber! Can't STAND him! :frankiemad:

Stephanie Meyer should write a new Twilight book featuring Bieber. She can add the Kardashians and Lindsay Lohan for additional fun. She can title it Twilight: Rational people with good taste get fed up with this $#!+ and kill every character in the story. 8D :bendy:

Cassini90125 08-29-2013 07:50 PM

When the 2014 list is released, I sincerely hope that "Twerking" is on it. :P

Thanks a lot, Miley. :frankiemad:

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