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bloonuggets 09-24-2010 06:49 PM

Halloween Costumes 2010
Little late this year, but still relevant.

What are you dressing up as this Halloween?

Cassini90125 09-24-2010 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by bloonuggets (Post 122462)
Little late this year, but still relevant.

What are you dressing up as this Halloween?

Before we go any further:


Originally Posted by THE RULES
PLEASE try not to start subject-only threads. That means, no topic called "Madame Foster" containing the message "Everyone talk about Madame Foster." If you want people to talk about Madame Foster, launch the discussion yourself. It's not fair to ask everyone else to talk about something if you're not willing to start the discussion. Also, nothing like "Who's your favorite character?" without you actually stating who your favorite character is. If you're going to start a thread, your first post must contribute something to the conversation. And just posting a link to an article elsewhere isn’t good enough. Surely if you found something interesting enough to post a link you have something to say about it.

I believe we've had this conversation before, have we not? :herriman: ::)

On topic: I don't plan on dressing up this year if I can avoid it.

Sparky 09-24-2010 07:43 PM

(Cassini is right but I'm sure you've already decided on a costume you can tell us about bloonuggets?)

I actually have local friends this year (gasp!) so I'll actually have a reason to dress up. :terrsmile: However I have not decided yet what to wear, I do have a number of choices. I recently unearthed a cow costume I made a long time ago that still fits (I had worn a halo and angel wings with it and was a "holy cow") that I could wear. Or I could be Gaz again. Or NeitherSparky. Or a medieval person. I was thinking of just wearing as much halloweeny themed stuff as I could at once and being a Tacky Monster or something.

Imaginary Light 09-25-2010 01:35 PM

I'm doing this this year, only I'll have the disco stick instead of the disco torch.

bloonuggets 03-24-2011 08:49 AM

Okay, here's mine...

Just your typical mutated first grader from a parochial school... :)

Lucky 03-24-2011 11:50 AM

I don't have a pic of mine on the computer at the moment, but in 2010 I was June from the Nicktoon KaBlam!.

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